I'm often asked to review books on tech topics and I'm finally getting some time to work on it. Currently, I'm looking at a couple of books on podcasting, because I'm pretty knowledgeable on the topic and I think it will be easy to decide if a book is helpful on that topic. However, I would love some suggestions on books that you think need to be reviewed.
I've also been asked to write an article on podcasting for a Botanical Garden publication. I'm pretty excited about that as I love the outdoors and gardens, but I don't often get to do a lot of work with them.
I've also started diligently working on an exhibit that I've been put in charge of to open in 2010. My plan is for it to be our first publicly curated exhibit and we will have the public vote on what artifacts will actually be included in the exhibit.
This week I'm attending an 8 day museum management institute on Jekyll Island. Today was just the first day and although it was mainly welcome speeches and getting to know each other there was one session that was presented and I think it was a very interesting one. The session was on management and leadership. I think the thing the presenter hit on the most for me was the difference in what it means to be a manager and what it means to be a leader. It was very interesting to quickly learn the differences in the two types of work that both positions fill. He'll be continuing the discussion in a second session tomorrow, so I'll speak more on it later. Jekyll Island is beautiful and we were able to tour the historic district today. I highly encourage anyone to come out here if you ever get the chance. Georgia has laws that the island must remain 65% un-developed making it such a beautiful natural setting. Also every dollar spent on the island stays on the island and ...